Everybody is in a similar situation at the moment due to COVID-19 (boooo), things are up in the air and there is a lot of uncertainty.
Zeal is run as a remote digital business. We utilise technology to communicate with our staff and clients. The infrastructure that enables this to happen is excellent. We know that in the coming weeks or months many companies will adopt similar working practices, and you won’t look back! (if we can do it so can you!!!)
At this testing time our business will remain open as usual to all of our clients, our delivery of service will be unaffected – contact us the same way as you have been…. landline, mobile, email, Skype… we’ll be here!
Be careful everyone and stay as safe as possible!
Have a look at our hints and tips infographic, if you are in self-isolation and live near to one of our studios – please get in touch if you need anything.